Social Media
easily explained

Our website offers a wide range of workshops to help you support your students in dealing with social media. The workshops are also designed in such a way that they can be easily integrated into lessons without additional preparation time - a kind of modular system that can be used in everyday school life despite the lack of time!

theme worlds

Depending on the subject area or requirements, the workshops usually last between 20 minutes and a maximum of 1 hour and can be held on one day or split over several days of your choice. If you have any questions or need more information, please feel free to contact us at any time. We are here to help you and make sure you and your students get the most out of our workshops!

The brain: What happens when I use social media

This workshop focuses on the effects of social media on the brains of children and young people. In the workshop, participants will learn how social media influences our brains and how to develop healthy usage habits. Topics include the influence of social media on emotions, motivation and concentration, as well as the importance of taking breaks and mindfulness when using digital media. The workshop is a valuable addition for schools and educational institutions that want to give their students a holistic understanding of how to use digital media.

Social media & my emotional world

This workshop offers a valuable opportunity to deal with the emotions that can arise through the use of social media platforms. Our aim is to help participants become more aware and develop a better way of dealing with their feelings in the digital world. Through interactive exercises and discussions, students are encouraged to explore their own feelings and develop strategies to better protect themselves in the digital landscape. 

The influence of algorithms on opinion formation

This thematic block explains how the algorithm of social media can influence and manipulate the attitudes of children and young people by presenting them with specifically selected content. Participants will learn how to understand and see through the mechanisms behind the algorithm. They will also be shown strategies on how to use social media more consciously and protect themselves from unwanted manipulation.

Social media and self-image: how our self-presentation has changed in the digital age

In this workshop, participants will learn how the use of social media can influence the self-image and self-perception of children and young people. Strategies will be taught to maintain a positive self-image and protect themselves from negative influences from social media. Find out what role social media plays in your own self-perception and what effects this can have on your own behaviour and relationships with others.


The interactive workshop aims to sensitise participants to the dangers and effects of online bullying. The focus is on imparting knowledge about how cyberbullying can be recognised and combated preventively. Strategies will also be taught on how to protect yourself from cyberbullying and how to help those affected. This workshop aims to empower participants to be responsible and safe when using social media and the internet.


Beauty ideals and social media and how they influence my perception

This workshop is about the effects of social media on beauty ideals and the self-perception of children and young people. Participants will learn how social media platforms influence safety standards and trends and what impact this can have on their own body image. Strategies will be taught on how to develop a healthy attitude towards their own body image and how to protect themselves from negative influences from social media. Through this workshop, participants will learn how to strengthen their self-confidence and develop a positive attitude towards themselves and their bodies.

Social media and addiction: How to stay in control

This workshop is about the influence of social media on the addictive behaviour of children and young people. Participants will learn how to recognise whether they are addicted to social media and what impact this can have on their personal lives. Strategies are also taught on how to establish and maintain a healthy relationship with the use of social media. Among other things, this involves consciously organising your own digital time-out and strengthening real relationships in everyday life.

Social media and the pressure to belong: Effects on the behaviour of children and young people

This workshop is about the influence of social media on social pressure and the desire to fit in. Participants will learn how to be more aware of expectations and comparisons and how to protect themselves from the pressure to present themselves and fit in. They will also learn strategies on how to maintain a healthy self-esteem and focus on their own strengths in order to free themselves from the pressure to conform and present themselves authentically.

Immerse yourself in the world of social media

Questions? With pleasure!

We are at your disposal to help you implement our workshops and teaching materials. Simply contact us via our website or by email if you have any questions or concerns.

Use our resources and help ensure that children and young people can be healthy and safe on social media.