
Instagram is one of the most popular social media platforms in the world, founded in 2010 and growing rapidly since then. The platform allows users to share and edit photos and short videos to express their creative skills and showcase their interests. Instagram also offers a variety of features such as hashtags, stories, IGTV and live broadcasts to encourage interaction and engagement between users. As a visual platform, appearance plays an important role on Instagram and has a significant impact on personal image and self-expression.

Facebook can also have a positive impact on children and young people. The platform provides an opportunity for social interaction and building friendships. This can help to improve social skills and self-confidence. Facebook groups can also be a way for children and young people to socialise with like-minded people and share common interests. In addition, Facebook also provides access to educational content and can be used as a resource for research and learning purposes. By sharing information and ideas, children and young people can improve their knowledge and skills and deepen their interest in certain topics. Finally, Facebook can also help develop a healthy identity and personality by providing a platform for self-expression and creativity. Facebook can also have various negative effects on children and young people. On the one hand, the platform can lead to an increased risk of cyberbullying and online harassment, as children and young people often share personal information and photos carelessly. On the other hand, Facebook can also contribute to children and young people neglecting their real environment and isolating themselves in virtual worlds. In addition, the constant use of Facebook can lead to sleep disorders, poor concentration and a lack of physical activity. Finally, the platform can also lead to children and young people finding themselves in a bubble of misinformation and disinformation, as they are often only confronted with content that matches their preferences and interests and does not allow them to see other perspectives. 

Instagram can also have negative effects on children and young people. On the one hand, the consumption of images of seemingly perfect bodies and lives can lead to young people comparing themselves with others and developing negative feelings such as dissatisfaction and inferiority. Cyberbullying and harassment can also occur on the platform, as users can remain anonymous and there is little control and regulation. Another problem is the constant availability of information and images, which can lead to increased distraction and a reduced focus on school and other commitments. Finally, influencers and advertisers can promote unhealthy products and behaviours on Instagram, which can influence young people and potentially lead to health problems.

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Use our resources and help ensure that children and young people are healthy and safe on social media.